The meeting of Delaware County Fire Police was held on May 12 at Lower Chi Fire Company. Meeting was called to order at 7:35 by Interim President Paul Blanford. Chaplain Dave Schlott gave a prayer and a moment of silence for departed members. Dave led the Pledge of Allegiance. Vice President of Lower Chi, Mike Elder, welcomed everyone. Then the meeting was suspended so we could eat the meal prepared for us.
Meeting reconvened at 8:05. Sergeant-at-Arms were appointed, Henry Sancken and John O’Malley.
Roll Call of Officers: Interim President Paul Blanford; 1st Vice President Mike Parks; 2nd Vice President Art Gorga; Treasurer Earl Pensyl; Financial Secretary Amanda Hawkins; Secretary Lois Johnston.
Motion was made by Nick Picozzi to suspend reading of the minutes from the last meeting, March of last year. John Gilchrist seconded. Motion carried.
Report of Sick – John Gould reported that Joe Drabik was on the mend but wasn’t doing any calls for now. John Lloyd reported on Judy Kirby who is staying at John’s home for recovery.
Application for New Members – Chip Natrin, Bethel #66, applied and paid the fee. His application was accepted by the Board of Directors. Mike Elder made a motion to waive the waiting period. Steve Edwards seconded. All members voted ‘Aye’,
Treasurer’s Report read and accepted. Balance April 30, 2021 is $SEE REPORT.
Board of Directors report – Nine members present. There is a concern for some members “moonlighting”. Shouldn’t be done for your own safety. Asked for service for Strathhaven’s graduation parade. October 9 from 11 AM to 9:30 River Jam at Tinicum at the Park. Let Jesse know if you can help out. He’s with #48. Art Gorga is working on getting host companies for remainder of 2021 and 2022. Get the Activity Reports into State Association and Commissioner. March had 86 calls; 300 fire police; and 240 hours. April had 244 fire police for 197 hours. Information for the website can be done by contacting Steve Edwards and Guilio.
First and Eleventh requests:
June 7 Chichester High School graduation;
June 10 Penncrest;
June 22-26 Bethel Carnival.
Upper Chichester – June 20, July 17, August 21 concerts at Furey Road.
May 29 Memorial Day Parade at Marcus Hook.
Reminder for the Boroughs and Townships to request fire police through official procedures, i.e. letter requesting services.
Committee Reports:
Radio – just say Traffic and the number when signing on. Same goes for Officer and number.
Training – We might joining Chester County Association for classes. We are in contact with Brandon Michaels President of the Association.
Awards – Paul appointed Art Gorga, chairman; Nick Picozzi, Dan Grassi, Mike Parks
Memorial Committee – Report at July Meeting.
Committee members, Dave Schlott, Joe Bradley. Paul Blanford ex-officio.
Laws and Legislation – brief discussion on Move Over Law
Website – send emails to Steve or Guilio
Ways and Means – appointees Mike Elder, Ben De Haven, Dan Grassi Publicity – Dave Schlott reported no information at this time
State Firemen’s Assoc. – Bob O. said he would be the Delegate
State Fire Police Assoc. – Bob O. and Marie Donnelly to be delegates. Lois Johnston will be an alternate. There will be a meeting in July. Location to be determined. Touched a little bit on death benefit recalculation. Will get clarification at the meeting.
County Firemen’s Assoc. – no delegate at this time
Commissioner, John Gould, reminded everyone to keep reports coming.
Roll Book closed at 8:40.
Communications – received a thank you note from family of Robert Clancy for his funeral and a donation.
Unfinished Business – Motion made by Nick Picozzi and seconded by Steve Edwards to continue officers in respective offices until the end of the year. Nominations would be in September and elections in November. Motion carried.
New Business – Bryn Mawr Trust is becoming WSFS. Will need new signature cards when officers are elected.
Art Gorga won the 50/50 which he donated back to the Association.
Payment of bills totaled $SEE REPORT. Motion passed.
Receipts of the evening totaled $SEE REPORT.
Mike Parks said July meeting will be held at the 911 center. He thanked Lower Chi for hosting this meeting
Dave Schlott requested moment of silence for departed members Lisa, Jerry, Fran. Then gave closing prayer.
Dave and Mike Elder made motions to set aside a page in memory book for departed. Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05.