12-14-2022 Minutes

Delaware County Fire Police Assoc.

12/14/22 Meeting

Called to order by Paul at 19:30 with a short Prayer and salute to the flag.

Motion made to dispense with the minutes from previous meeting – Steve advised that due to computer issues he lost the minutes and does not have them.

Paul and Carl Ewing (41) – Sgt at arms

Roll Call done by Lois Johnston

As of Jan 1, Bob Owsiany will be stepping down from his delegate to the state fire police assoc. position and Lois will be taking his position. She needs at least an 2 alternates for help.

Report of the Sick – Jessie is back in attendance. Art Gorga will be back in service as of Jan 1st due to his carpal tunnel surgery. Donna Rogers from 51 is back in the hospital with COVID and Cancer.

Applications or new members – None

Report of the treasurer – Earl gave his report (see attached) Motion to accept made by Flo and 2nd by Steve.

Directors report – See attached. There was talk about the new system and Steve also announced that Joe Bissonette was officially a member of Parkside Fire Company.

Radio Committee – Tom is at the meeting now and the radios will be possibly starting in 2024. New CAD will be out in January and may possibly have changes to Active 911 but no changes to Zello.

Training – Gulio – Everyone at the active shooter should have their certificates if not see Gulio. Waiting on the instructor to get back to Gulio to see if he is going to be doing anything next year.

Traffic 101 training possible for next year – talked about this briefly.

Training for how to handle yourself in court to be taught by Bill Robinson from Upper Chichester

Free training from Responder Safety (respondersafety.com) classes are about an hour and you do get a certificate at the end of each module.

Gave $1000 for training and only spent $200. Encouraged people to get training from Respondersafety.com

Banquet – Possible combine the county meeting and banquet in March at Boothwyn station 10. Cost will be $25/person.  Gulio mad a motion to have a banquet & Lois 2nd. Earle suggested to send a email out to everyone to see who will be attending and get a head count. This was discussed and a date will be set at a later time. Possibly hold the meeting and Banquet on the 11th.

Awards – if we are doing awards and you have any recommendations please notify Paul Blanford.

Bylaws- Progress

Memorial – Do we want to go back to May or stay with October. It was brought up that October fits in with fire prevention but May falls in with Memorial Day. Mike Parks made a motion to hold the memorial service in May 2024 to allow for more time to get everything together, 2nd by Tom Anderson. Do we want to have it at the training center or do we want to have it at a church? Church is more appropriate. Will be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Laws and Legislation – Tow trucks are now allowed to operate blue to the rear. They are not allowed any sirens. There is a tow company operating with sirens and PSP will not tolerate this.

Website – progress

Ways and means- 7&8 districts are getting hats for $17 each. Steve brought up about selling them for $20. These are the blue baseball hats with the county logo. Mike Parks brought up buying these for the association ant cost.

Publicity – Need pictures from the memorial service. Paul has been trying to get a hold of Dave about these pictures but he is having issues with the sim card. Anyone that has pictures please send them to Paul.

State F/P Assoc. – Held in Luzerne County. Lois stated that fire police in Luzerne County are getting sworn in in other locals in there are so that they can respond to mutual aid calls, they do have a mutual aid agreement. Total of 21 deaths since May 2022 to date. Need a new fire commissioner for the state, waiting on the new Governor to be sworn in and appoint a new state fire commissioner. Insurance letter that is sent to you for accidental death, you do not have to respond unless you want more coverage. This is the same company we had issues with before. 30 members and 15 counties were represented at the state meeting and Snyder County is now represented. Chester county is having a meeting March 19th and anyone can attend. It will be held at the training center in Coatesville. Friday May 19th will be Basic and Advance F/P class at Chester County along with May 20th and 21st. Anyone not getting the papers see Amanda and she will take care of it.

Report of the Commissioner – Gulio addressed the accident involving Traffic 10 on Nov. 27th on I-95. Traffic 10 was totaled and Tom Robinson was fine. Steve addressed that when 47 gets the squad back it has been suggested to sell it to 1st & 11th as a blocker unit.

Closing of the roll book 20:22

Unfinished Business – N/A

New Business – Steve brought up going with a new computer system for the county for $180/year. Fire companies will be getting to use the system for free unless additional stuff is needed. The county will pay $180/year as of January 1st. Motion by Steve E / 2nd by Amanda and passed. The company providing the service is W3nerds. Training will be done for the system. A bill will be sent to Gulio and forwarded to the board.

Amanda brought up possibly getting a computer or iPad for the position paid for by the association. Gulio and Steve will look into the cost of an iPad of computer for this. Steve brought up a possible grant for these computers. 3 for Earle, Lois, and Amanda. Paul will talk to Art about the grant.

50/50 – $48 split $24 won by Carl Eweing

Payment of the bills – read by Amanda (see attached) Motion to pay by Joe B and 2nd by Gulio

Turned over to VP – Meeting to be announced in an email.

Good of the Assoc. – PECO hiring wire watchers to release Fire Police from scenes until their units arrive. A meeting was held at station 51 by PENNDOT for hard shoulder running on the inside lanes and will not be put into effect till 2024. Variable speed signs to be installed on the highways. Local PD and fire police will be able to contact PennDot for changing the speed and lane signs. Paul asked if Chester County can be put in our Zello and this can not be done. John brought up that next year 476 will be

Adjourned – 20:44