Month: March 2020


Due to the COVID-19 situation per President Fran Desmond The Delaware County Fire Police Association has cancelled all County Fire Police Meetings and Events until further notice. We need to think about our health and well being at this important time and stay inside unless we are absolutely needed. We still encourage our fire police to respond to emergency calls as we always have before but please remember that we need to keep ourselves safe and healthy first. Please remember the 6 foot rule and to wash your hands and face on a normal basis with soap and water as well as when returning from any and all calls. Keep some hand sanitizer with you in your vehicles if possible and for those of you with Traffic Units please keep a couple of extra bottles on hand so that every person on your unit as well as anyone touching your equipment can be able to be protected and safe during these times. We apologize for any inconvience that this may cause however it all comes down to SAFETY FIRST! We hope and pray that all of you stay safe and healthy during this time. Please feel free to contact Fran Desmond if you should need any assistance during this time as well.