Meeting Minutes 03-08-2023

Delaware County Fire Police Assoc.

Minutes for 03/08/23


Called to order by Paul Blanford at 19:32 with Prayer and salute to the flag.

Welcome from the host company, Folcroft Fire Company – Paul Mercey.

Sgt at arms – None

Roll Call dispensed due to Lois being sick

Motion made to dispense with the minutes from previous meeting Mike / Lenny – Steve advised that minutes have been posted on the website.

Report of the Sick – Lois is sick, Joe Draybek has suffered several heart attacks and is on home hospice, Chief Bob Herr from Lansdowne past away, Wayne LaDue is doing better and starts Therapy in a few weeks, Mike Edlers son is doing better and home, Ben is doing better, John Blyth had a stroke, Tom Adams Sr is not doing well.

Applications or new members – None

Report of the treasurer – Earl gave his report (see attached) Motion to accept made by Art and second by Nick.

Director’s report – See attached.

Radio Committee – Tom stated that the county held a meeting yesterday and the new system should be active first quarter of 2025 and it is up to the company to provide fire police with radios. Radios will be around $3500 each. Each department will receive the unification P25 pager at a cost of $600 each. Zello will be staying with the new system and the digital pagers will also be staying. Active 911 will also be staying. 97% of the county will be covered by portables. EMS and PD will NOT get mobiles only front-line fire apparatus will get mobile radios. Each company will have a private channel and fire police will have a talk channel for themselves and it will be a repeater channel. Portables will no longer be able to have PD programed into them. Paul brought up about getting a grant for either portables or the P25 pagers. Tom stated if we want to get a grant please do it within the next 9 months because everyone will be doing the same thing. Dispatches will be either Active 911, the alpha pager, or the P25 pagers. There will be a dispatch and response channel and a separate fire ground channel. Fire alternate channels are staying in effect as a back-up.

Training – Gulio – Mike is no longer teaching but he has another person teaching the classes. Haz/Mat Awareness update is trying to schedule the class. The court class is upcoming TBD.

Banquet – March 26 at Ogden Fire Company Station 55 at 1PM Paul is looking for donations for door prizes and he has a letter for the same. Amanda has rolls of tickets for the day. All money to go to Earle. Dress code is Casual Dress.

Awards – if we are doing awards and you have any recommendations, please notify Paul Blandford.

Bylaws- Progress

Memorial – Will be held May 2024.

Laws and Legislation – None

Website – Progress

Ways and means- Media run June 16th and we received a check for last years event. PA State FPA yearly convention and Banquet will be held at Camp Hill on May 19 – 21st for $75.75 Hats are up here and badge bands made by Paul’s wife.

Publicity – in the news paper there should be articles about the organization.

Meeting was adjourned at 20:13 for dinner and called back to order at 20:35

County Fireman Assoc – DCFA is providing a basket to be raffled off. Also go a table of 8.

State F/P Assoc. – N/A

Report of the Commissioner – Trying to get a grant for helmets at $115 each for 50 helmets. Need authorization from the chief before the helmet is issued. Art will be working on the grant. Chester County is looking at the same helmets at an order of 500 helmets. ChesCo 911 will be getting the helmets for them. Darby is asking for help with a cow pie bingo at little flower manor and they need 4 – 5 people from 3pm till 9pm and you will be fed and drinks.

Closing of the roll book 20:41

Communications – Fire police convention and Media 5k.

Unfinished Business – N/A

New Business – N/A

50/50 – Not done this meeting.

Good of the Assoc. – Art passed out a letter that advises PECO has a new app that came out and you can report outages via the app. Plaques were given out from the DelCo Cruisers for help with the holiday toy run. Mike has handwarmers and gloves for those interested see Mike Elder after the meeting.

Payment of the bills – read by Amanda (see attached) Motion to pay by Lenny and 2nd by Dave.

Receipts of the evening – Read by Amanda.

Turned over to VP – Meeting will be held at station 41, Newtown Square on May 10th. If anything needs to be addressed between meetings please contact Paul.

Closing prayer done by Chaplin. Dave also stated if you know anyone that is sick please contact him.

Adjourned – 20:48