County Fire Police Are Granted Charter

Many of the men who signed as incorporators for the Delaware County Fire Police Association are known to him personally, Judge Arthur P Breatherick said on Friday, as he received the petition through James Robertson.  “They are a grand group of public spirited citizens,” the court declared, as the charter was granted.

The only testimony was by Dell W. Butts, of 220 S. 5th st., Darby, who said that the incorporation of the county group will enable them to join the state association and thereby “have a voice” in proposed legislation.  The fire police, Butts explained, serve at fires and supplement regular police in the times of emergency or disaster.

The present officers of the group are Leon Wright, 114 Lafayette av., Collingdale, president; Elmer Gladfelter, 107 N. 2d st., Darby, vice-president; James M Bolce, 711 Walnut st., Darby, recording secretary; Frank W. Burr, 307 S. 4th st., Colwyn, financial secretary; James Birtwell, 29 S. Glen av., Glenolden, treasurer.

Published: Delaware County Daily Times, 17 Dec 1949




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